
  • [11/20] Allison will have extra office hours on 11/20 from 9 - 11:30. There will be no office hours on 11/22 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • [11/12] Since the daily problems for 11-13 to 11-17 were posted late, we will be extending the due date on them. They will all be due by 7pm on 11-19.
  • [11/3] Allison will be holding an extra office hour on 11/3 from 9:30 to 10:30.
  • [10/25] We will be holding two review sessions for the second midterm on Thursday 10/26. The first will be 2:30 - 4:30 pm in the Shantz lab. The second will be 6 - 8 pm in Social Sciences 206.
  • [10/19] Allison will hold an extra office half hour on 10/20 from 10 to 10:30 am.
  • [10/19] The CS department will be holding a coding competition on October 28th in 8 am to 1 pm in GS 228. You are invited to participate! To sign up email You can sign up as an individual or a team of three.
  • [10/19] Visit iSpace, the University of Arizona Libraries’ makerspace and innovation lab! You can find their list of workshops here. Many of them feature CS topics.
  • [10/6] Please fill out our mid-semester survey. You can find it here
  • [9/27] We will be holding two review sessions for the midterm. The first will be on 9/27 at 7pm in McPrk 103. The second will be on 9/28 at 7pm in McPark 103. Bring your questions!
  • [9/15] Allison's 9/20 office hour will be held 1 - 2 instead of 3 - 4.
  • [8/14] Welcome to CS 110!