Briefly answer the following questions. Each question is worth one point unless otherwise indicated.

  1. In Chrome, if an element's parent has font-size: 20pc, how many px is font-size: smaller?
    Put your answer here!
  2. The fam2.html example demonstrates that unquoted multi-word font names can be broken across lines. Can quoted multi-word font names can be broken across lines?
  3. According to the CSS 2.1 REC how many different keywords can be used as the value for font-size?
    Hint: I bet a lot of students get this one wrong. Be careful!
  4. How is a not-found font-family indicated in the Styles panel of Chrome DevTools?
  5. Explain exactly how the following declaration is interpreted:
       font: 1em/2em "serif" bold italic
    Hint: Use Chrome DevTools to be sure you're right!
  6. None of the border properties are inherited. Explain the headache that would be created if border properties were inherited.
  7. The HTML5 CR says that no two elements on a page should have the same value for the id attribute. With Chrome, if two elements on a page have id=main, which is selected by the rule #main { ... }?
  8. The rgb(R,G,B) color specification allows values to be specified as integers from 0 to 255 or integer percentages from 0 to 100%. A friend thinks that only integer percentages should be allowed. Explain what would be lost if that change were made.
  9. Note: Worth 2 points
    The articles on are shown in a white rectangle that has the lower right corner cut off. Describe the CSS technique that is used to create that effect.