CSc 433/533: Computer Graphics (Fall, 2008)
[ OpenGL Demos and Useful Libraries ]

paintdemo: A simple program illustrating how to setup an OpenGL window using GLUT, paint vertices as pixels in the window, and manipulate JPEG images.

Windows build, includes Visual C 2007 build files
Linux build, includes gcc Makefile

paintdemo2: A simple program illustrating the use of basic OpenGL 3D capabilities, including Z-buffer, modelview and projection matrices, and basic drawing primitives.

Windows build, includes Visual C 2007 build files
Linux build, includes gcc Makefile

paintdemo3: A program illustrating the use of GLSL (OpenGL 2.0 conformant) shader programs. Includes simple vertex and fragment shaders, as well as basic hardware texture support and manipulation. You'll need the GLEW library below to compile and run this program.

Note: using hardware texture support is not required for the assignments, although you may find it useful. Hardware texturing also allows for much higher-performance implementations.

Windows build, includes Visual C 2007 build files
Linux build, includes gcc Makefile and GLEW

NOTE: GLEW isn't standard on the graphics machines in the GS930 lab. For your convenience, the prebuilt libraries are included with this demo. Run the paintdemo3 program with "make run" to load the GLEW shared library manually. Otherwise, you'll get an error, "cannot open shared object file."

To rebuild these demos outside the GS930 lab, you'll need the following libraries.
(Linux users: these are common libraries. They may be pre-installed on your system.)

GLUT A simple cross-platform windowing toolkit, commonly used by OpenGL applications.

GLUT Homepage, for all platforms

LibJPEG A cross-platform library for compressing and decompressing JPEG images.

LibJPEG Homepage, for Linux platforms

GNU LibJPEG Homepage, for GNU Windows compilers

NOTE: Visual Studio users are highly recommended to use this version of the library binary, due to a known compatibility issue between Visual Studio's linker and the pre-built GNU libraries given above.

GLEW The GL Extension Wrangler library. A cross-platform library for managing GL versions and hardware capabilities. You'll need this to use OpenGL 2.0 capabilities, such as GLSL.

GNU GLEW Homepage, for all platforms, GLEW libraries, headers, and DLLs provided with the NVidia SDK 9.5 for Windows XP/Vista

Please direct questions regarding build problems to your TA, ldbrown at cs.