# Plate 7.1: A Page from the Color Book # (from the Icon program library) ############################################################################ # # File: colrbook.icn # # Subject: Program to show the named colors # # Author: Gregg M. Townsend # # Date: December 1, 1997 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # colrbook is a mouse-driven program for choosing named colors. # Along the left are 24 equally spaced hues plus black, gray, white, # brown, violet, and pink. Click on any of these to see the twenty # colors that are possible by adding lightness and saturation # modifiers to the particular hue. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: Version 9 graphics # ############################################################################ # # Links: button, evmux, graphics # ############################################################################ link button link evmux link graphics $define BevelWidth 2 $define WindowMargin 10 $define HEADER 20 # height of header area (not incl. margin) $define FOOTER 20 # height of footer area (not incl. margin) $define TSIZ 12 # hue triangle size $define HUEW 20 # hue width $define HGAP 1 # hue gap $define LEFT (m+TSIZ+HUEW+labw) # total space to left of grid and its margin global cwin, huelist, sats, lgts, colrs, fillargs global labw, leftx, w, h, m procedure main(args) local x, y, dx, dy, cw, ch local i, j, ij, hue, r lgts := ["pale", "light", "medium", "dark", "deep"] sats := ["weak", "moderate", "strong", "vivid"] colrs := table() fillargs := table() Window("size=500,350", "font=Helvetica,bold,12", args) cwin := Clone() m := WindowMargin w := WAttrib("width") - 2 * m h := WAttrib("height") - 2 * m labw := TextWidth("medium") + 3 * m # label area width leftx := m + TSIZ + HUEW + labw # space to left of grid and its margin dx := (w - leftx + m) / *sats dy := (h - HEADER - FOOTER + m) / *lgts cw := dx - m ch := dy - m inithues() every i := 1 to *sats do every j := 1 to *lgts do { ij := i || j x := leftx + dx * i - cw y := HEADER + dy * j - ch BevelRectangle(x, y, cw, ch, -BevelWidth) fillargs[ij] := [cwin, x + BevelWidth, y + BevelWidth, cw - 2 * BevelWidth, ch - 2 * BevelWidth] if Fg(cwin, colrs[ij] := NewColor("gray")) then # may fail FillRectangle ! fillargs[ij] } every i := 1 to *sats do { GrooveRectangle(leftx + m + dx * (i - 1), m / 2, dx - m, HEADER) CenterString(leftx + dx * i - cw / 2, m / 2 + HEADER / 2, sats[i]) } every j := 1 to *lgts do { GrooveRectangle(leftx, HEADER + dy*j - ch/2 - HEADER/2, -labw + m, HEADER) RightString(leftx - m, HEADER + dy*j - ch/2, lgts[j]) } # define sensors button(&window, "QUIT", argless, exit, m+TSIZ+HUEW+m, m, labw-2*m, HEADER) sensor(&window, &lpress, hueclick, r, m, m, TSIZ + HUEW, h) quitsensor(&window) # initialize to "gray" hues using an artificial event Enqueue(&lrelease) hueclick(&window, 0, m, m + integer((*huelist - 4.5) / *huelist * h)) # enter event loop evmux(&window) end procedure hueclick(win, arg, x, y) local hue, e, n, i, j e := &ldrag while e ~=== &lrelease do { if e === &ldrag then { n := (*huelist * (y - m + HGAP / 2)) / h + 1 if 0 < n <= *huelist then { hue := huelist[n] EraseArea(m, m - TSIZ / 2, TSIZ + 1, h + TSIZ) y := m - HGAP + integer((n - 0.5) * (h + HGAP) / *huelist) BevelTriangle(m + TSIZ / 2, y, TSIZ / 2, "e") setcolor(hue) EraseArea(LEFT, m + h - FOOTER, w, FOOTER + m) CenterString(LEFT + (w - LEFT + m)/2, m + h + m/2 - FOOTER/2, hue) } } e := Event(win) y := &y } return end procedure setcolor(hue) local i, j, ij, prefix static prev every i := 1 to *sats do every j := 1 to *lgts do { ij := i || j prefix := lgts[j] || " " || sats[i] || " " if not Color(cwin, \colrs[ij], prefix || hue) then { # no mutable color was allocated; # free old static color, preserving grays (used for decoration) # also preserving labeling colors ("medium vivid") if \prev ~== "black" & \prev ~== "gray" & \prev ~== "white" then FreeColor(cwin, ("medium vivid " ~== prefix) || \prev) Fg(cwin, prefix || hue) FillRectangle ! fillargs[ij] } } prev := hue return end procedure inithues() local i, y1, y2, dy, win huelist := [ "red", "orange", "red-yellow", "reddish yellow", "yellow", "greenish yellow", "yellow-green", "yellowish green", "green", "cyanish green", "cyan-green", "greenish cyan", "cyan", "bluish cyan", "blue-cyan", "cyanish blue", "blue", "blue-purple", "purple", "purple-magenta", "magenta", "reddish magenta", "magenta-red", "magentaish red", "black", "gray", "white", "brown", "violet", "pink" ] dy := real(h + HGAP) / *huelist win := Clone(&window) every i := 1 to *huelist do { y1 := integer(dy * (i - 1)) y2 := integer(dy * i) Fg(win, huelist[i]) FillRectangle(win, m + TSIZ + 1, m + y1, HUEW - 1, y2 - y1 - HGAP) } Uncouple(win) return end