# Plate 8.1: Color Palettes # (from the Icon program library) # # This program displays one palette at a time. # The book shows a montage of six window dumps. ############################################################################ # # File: palette.icn # # Subject: Program to display an Icon image palette # # Author: Gregg M. Townsend # # Date: May 23, 1996 # ############################################################################ # # This file is in the public domain. # ############################################################################ # # Usage: palette [name] # # Palette displays each color available in an image palette along with its # index character. The default palette is "c1". # # Typing a digit (1 to 6) in the window switches the display to the # corresponding color palette. Typing a "g" selects the "g16" palette. # # Typing "l", "o", or "u" toggles the respective drawpalette() flag. # # The window can be resized. # ############################################################################ # # Requires: Version 9 graphics # ############################################################################ # # Links: graphics, imscolor # ############################################################################ link graphics, imscolor global flags procedure main(args) local p, nw, nh, w, h, e flags := "l" if args[-1] ? any(&letters) then p := args[-1] else p := "c1" PaletteChars(p) | stop(&progname, ": palette ", p, " not found") Window("width=125", "height=250", "font=lucidasans-bold-12", "label=" || p, args) &error := 1 WAttrib("resize=on") &error := 0 draw(p) while e := Event() do case e of { QuitEvents(): break !"123456": draw(p := "c" || e) "g": draw(p := "g16") &lpress | &ldrag: writes(pickpalette(p, &x, &y) | "~") & flush(&output) &resize: draw(p) !"lou": { if flags ? find(e) then flags := string(flags -- e) else flags ||:= e draw(p) } } end procedure draw(p) # draw palette, etc. WAttrib("label=" || p) EraseArea() drawpalette(p, , , , , flags) | write(&errout, " could not get all colors of ", p, " palette") return end