The Icon Newsletter

No. 60 - June 1, 2000


Sixty and Out

This is the sixtieth and last Icon Newsletter. Times have changed; the Newsletter has served its purpose and run its course.

In the future, you can keep in touch with matters related to Icon in two ways:

  1. Visit the Icon Web site periodically. The URL is Look for notices at the beginning of the page and check the status link.

  2. Subscribe to the Icon electronic mailing list, Announcements about new releases and other topical matters are posted to this list. To subscribe (or unsubscribe) send a message to

You also can learn more about Icon and applications written in it by subscribing to The Icon Analyst. Information about the Analyst is available at

USGS Map Viewer


Topographic maps of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are well known to hikers and others. The USGS has digitized many of these maps and published them on the Web as "Digital Line Graph" (DLG) files in vector form. USGS developed and released a viewer for these files, but it runs only on Microsoft Windows.

With help from Will Evans, we have been developing an interactive viewer in Icon for use under Unix.

The image shows part of San Francisco as drawn by the viewer. The Presidio is at the top, with the Golden Gate Bridge heading north off the page. Golden Gate Park is near the bottom; the dashed line in the lower right is an old streetcar tunnel.

The viewer is approaching completion, and we hope to release it sometime this summer. Besides the viewer program itself, we have new library packages for reading ISO 8211 (DDF) files, for projecting map locations, and for converting among geodetic "datums" (reference systems).

Back Issues of the Icon Newsletter

Back issues of the Icon Newsletter are still available.

Complete sets, including this issue, can be purchased for $25. This include shipping in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Shipping to other countries, which is by air parcel post, is $15.

Ordering information is available at There is a link to a form you can use for ordering at the bottom of that page.

This is your chance to get a fascinating collection that covers Icon from its early beginnings to a mature programming language. If you're interested in this "collector's item", we suggest you act promptly, since we'll be cleaning things out and freeing storage space.

Messaging Language Extension

Taybin Rutkin has created a preprocessor for Icon that extends Icon to make it a messaging language. He describes it this way:
Not messaging in the Rebol sense but messaging in the concurrent/messaging-algorithm sense. The program, Crow, takes a Crow file and translates it to Icon. It also does fun stuff like appending a runtime system to simulate concurrency and stuff like that. So it's a superset of Icon.

Documentation, source code, and examples are available at

Taybin Rutkin can be contacted at

Icon Program Library

The Icon program library is scheduled for a major update sometime this summer. The release will include the usual revision and corrections, new programs and procedures, and the major new cartographic package described in the accompanying USGS Map Viewer article.

The release will be announced on the Icon Web page and via icon-group.

© Copyright 2000 by Ralph E. Griswold, Madge T. Griswold, and Gregg M. Townsend. All rights reserved.

Icon Newsletter