CS 453 Recitation — Getting Started with Meggy Jr

In this recitation, you will
  1. check out a Meggy Jr to use for the semester (Students volunteered their time to solder these at about 2.5 hours per device. Please treat them with respect.),
  2. clone a copy of the MeggyBuildandRun github repository,
        git clone https://github.com/UA-CSC453-Fall16/MeggyBuildandRun.git
  3. step through the process of building and uploading the simple-test.cpp and rainbow-test.cpp Meggy Jr program onto the Meggy Jr device,
  4. build and upload the PA2FlowerSimple.java.s and the file onto the Meggy Jr device,
  5. create, build, and upload an AVR assembly PA5Cylon.java.s file using the MeggyJava reference compiler (MJ.jar),
  6. run the AVR code debugger and Meggy Jr emulator (MJSIM.jar),
  7. setup a group github repository for PA1, and
  8. start working on PA1.

After cloning the repository, the instructions for how to do the above action items can be found in the Readme.md file that is shown on the github page for the MeggyBuildandRun repository or in the PA1 writeup. We will step through the first three items as a group and then you can work independently.

Some suggestions for using github this semester can be found on the class resources page.

mstrout@cs.arizona.edu .... August 25, 2016